Energy-Related Small Businesses

Develop tools and training to support inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation in renewable energy.

Support the creation of solar-based enterprise development and entrepreneurship.

How the Program Works

The goal of the HBCU CEI small business program is to identify and select, through a competitive process a rooftop solar installation partner/contractor to install and maintain residential solar for low and moderate income homeowners in partner HBCU communities.

Contracting Opportunities

The selection criteria will be based on the following list of project characteristics:

Cost Effectiveness:

Project meets company financial savings targets and provider’s bid matches or exceeds the competitor bids. Bid clearly communicates the financial benefits of the project, using the financial metrics requested in the Request For Proposal (RFP)

Job Training:

Opportunity to train local residents in solar installation as part of the installations to be completed.

Community-Centric: Demonstrated record of community involvement that increase access to the industry.

Technical Approach/System Design: Propose a system design that meets RFP specifications or provides additional value to the customer.

Implementation Schedule:

Provider can complete the installations within the specified timeline (May- April 2021)

Partner/Contractor Qualifications/Project Experience:

Company has experience installing similar projects: (1) Location (in-state), (2) Project design (roof), (3) System size.

Project Team, Team Experience and Approach: Demonstrated record of community involvement that increase access to the industry.

Clean energy innovation fueling campuses and empowering communities

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